CodeGeek’s founder and CEO Ron Zasadzinski was recently the featured guest on the Founded in FoCo podcast, hosted by Nick Armstrong of WTF Marketing. 🙌
Founded in FoCo is a locally led event that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship—and it’s a great place to spark new ideas, learn from peers, and build relationships.
What they talk about
From Ron’s days as a full-time flight instructor to CodeGeek’s beginnings to the importance of making the web as accessible as possible, this podcast episode has something for everyone.
Favorite notable quotables
- “We focus on relationships first, both internally and with our clients.”
- “Web accessibility is a large field of action and opportunity to make websites and web content consumable, navigable and understandable by as many people and technologies as possible.”
- “That’s actually the most important thing to understand about accessibility: It’s an ongoing process.”
Watch the podcast
The podcast is only about 20 minutes long, and you can catch the full episode right here.
For an episode summary, list of key takeaways, resources and more, head on over to Founded in FoCo’s podcast page.